In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic shook the world, many businesses are in trouble and Davonne is not outside this spiral. However, in spring 2021, when learning about the children and people in Hue are struggling and desperately in need of help, the charity trip “ “Xuan SUM, Tet sharing” was held.

With more than 1 month of preparation, with the support and donations of many powerful military, more than 1500 gifts were given to the people of Davonne textile company in A Grid District, Thua Thien Hue province.

Thanks to the spirit of “ more torn leaves”, Davonne would like to thank the Vietnam Textile Association (Vitas): 500 shirts; Oriental garment Joint Stock Company: 1500 warm shirts; Guilin company: 58 blankets, 128 children’s suits; international shipping Vietnam, ICs and many other strong common troops

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